64 bit C++ software tool Beta Tests are complete.
We recently closed the beta tests for the 64 bit versions of C++ Coverage Validator, C++ Memory Validator, C++ Performance Validator and C++ Thread Validator.
We launched the software on 2nd January 2014. A soft launch, no fanfare, no publicity. We just wanted to make the software available and then contact all the beta testers so that we could honour our commitments made at the start of the beta test.
Those commitments were to provide a free single user licence to any beta tester that provided feedback, usage reports, bugs reports, etc about the software. This doesn’t include anyone that couldn’t install the software because they used the wrong licence key!
We’ve written a special app here that we can use to identify all email from beta test participants and allow us to evaluate that email for beta test feedback criteria. It’s saved us a ton of time and drudge work even though writing this extension to the licence manager software took a few days. It was interesting using the tool and seeing who provided feedback and how much.
We’ve just sent out the licence keys and download instructions to all those beta testers that were kind enough to take the time to provide feedback, bug reports etc. to us. A few people went the extra mile. These people bombarded us with email containing huge bugs, trivial items and everything in between. Two of them, we were on the verge of flying out to their offices when we found some useful software that allowed to us to remotely debug their software. Special mentions go to:
Bengt Gunne (Mimer.com)
Ciro Ettorre (Mechworks.com)
Kevin Ernst (Bentley.com)
We’re very grateful for everyone taking part in the beta test. Thank you very much.
Why didn’t I get a free licence?
If you didn’t receive a free licence and you think you did provide feedback, please contact us. It’s always possible that a few people slipped through our process of identifying people.
Dang! I knew I should’ve provided feedback
If you didn’t provide us with any feedback, check your inbox. You’ll find a 50% off coupon for the tool that you tested.