Software Verify Licence Install Problems

If you’re reading this web page you’ve probably hit a problem installing our software.

We’re sorry you’re having problems. Sometimes things go wrong that are out of our control.

First, I’ll provide you with some background so that you understand why it’s failed. Then we can get on the topic of fixing the problem.

What causes the problem?

When you install one of ours tools (manually, or by the software update system) the licence keys are installed by the SVL Admin Service that is installed as part of the setup process. We have seen, very infrequently, the case where Windows refuses to uninstall a service immediately. It marks it as pending, which means it will get done “later”, whenever that is. That often translates to “when the machine is rebooted”.

During install we uninstall the service and reinstall the new version of the service. Our guess is that this didn’t work properly for you. Once that is broken none of the licence key installs will work properly.

We’ve tried many things, but once Windows puts a service in pending state you just have to wait (or reboot). Very annoying.

How to fix?

To fix this you need to get the service running correctly, and only when it’s running correctly then you can install the licence keys.

  1. Get the x86 service running.
    • In this directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\SVL Admin Service x86 run svlAdminServiceGUI.exe.
    • If the service isn’t installed, click Install SVL Admin Service x86.
    • If the service isn’t running, click Start SVL Admin Service x86.

    The UI provides buttons to do the commands, or you want you can issue the commands from an elevated command prompt. The commands are shown on the GUI.

    If the service won’t install or won’t start, you’ll need to reboot the computer and then run svlAdminServiceGUI again. This is caused by the service uninstall being set to pending, as mentioned above.

  2. Get the x64 service running. You’ll only have this if you have the 64 bit versions of our tools.
    • In this directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\SVL Admin Service x64 run svlAdminServiceGUI_x64.exe.
    • If the service isn’t installed, click Install SVL Admin Service x64.
    • If the service isn’t running, click Start SVL Admin Service x64.

    The UI provides buttons to do the commands, or you want you can issue the commands from an elevated command prompt. The commands are shown on the GUI.

    If the service won’t install or won’t start, you’ll need to reboot the computer and then run svlAdminServiceGUI_x64 again. This is caused by the service uninstall being set to pending, as mentioned above.

  3. Once you have the service(s) running you can reinstall the licence keys. If we assume that you’ve successfully installed the software (which is why you got the error message that led you here), then only the licence keys need to be installed.
    • For each tool run the svlLicence??.exe. Enter the licence keys for that tool – the licence keys were supplied to you in the software update notification email.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Coverage Validator\svlLicenceCV.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Coverage Validator x64\svlLicenceCV_x64.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Memory Validator\svlLicenceMV.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Memory Validator x64\svlLicenceMV_x64.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Performance Validator\svlLicencePV.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Performance Validator x64\svlLicencePV_x64.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Thread Validator\svlLicenceTV.exe
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verification\Thread Validator x64\svlLicenceTV_x64.exe

After performing these operations the software should be working.

If you continue to have problems please contact

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