How to embed data into a resource
In this article, I will demonstrate how you can embed data into a Windows PE format executable (EXE or DLL). At the end, I will also provide a working example that you can use to embed data into your executable as custom resources.
The problem
Often software requires ancillary data to support the software we write. This data can reside in files on your hard disk, on a network computer or on a computer accessed across the Internet. Or the data can be embedded in your executable. There is no correct solution for all cases. You have to choose the correct solution for the task at hand. I’ll briefly describe the four methods, outlining the potential pitfalls involved.
- Loading the data from disk. You need to locate the file and read the contents of the file. What happens if the file is missing? If the file is present and readable has it been modified by accident or has been deliberately tampered with? You will need a mechanism to detect this if appropriate.
- Loading the data from a network computer. This is similar to loading the file from the disk except that you need to know the network computer name.
- Loading the data from a computer on the Internet. This is more complex, now you need to engage in some protocol to download the file. What if the Internet connection is not available or is refused?
- Embedding the data in your executable. Embedding the data is harder than creating a file, and reading the data is harder than reading a file. However, the data will always be available. If your application uses checksums (MD5, etc) or is digitally signed then you will know if the embedded data has been modified or tampered with.
Embedding data
Sometimes it would be more convenient if the data was embedded right into the executable we are creating.
There may be no convenient method for embedding the data. Visual Studio provides a means to embed data. You could transcribe the data by hand. But that would be time-consuming, expensive, error-prone and tedious. Alternatively, you can add a custom resource, then edit the properties for the custom resource and identify the file that contains the data you wish to embed into the executable. We have tried this but there are no error messages for when the file cannot be found (you made a typing error typing the filename) and there is no way to conditionally change which custom resource is embedded depending on the build.
Fortunately, Windows provides an API for adding data to the resource section of an executable (.exe or .dll). The API also provides mechanisms for finding this data. With the use of the API we can create a helper application to embed as many custom resources as you want after you have built your executable.
For this example, I will assume the data we adding to the executable is not data you would normally find in a resource. This means we will be adding a custom resource.
Let us say we want to add a Java class file to our executable so that we can find this class file at runtime without knowing anything about the current Java CLASSPATH or the file system. Once we’ve extracted the class file we could use it to define a class that would then be used by the Java Virtual Machine to do the work we want (presumably somewhere else we’ll be instrumenting Java class files so they know about the Java class we just defined).
We need a few things first, which we will also need when we come to extract the resource from the executable.
- Executable to add the resource to.
- Type name for the custom resource.
- Name for the custom resource.
- Data for the custom resource.
For our Java class file example, the type could be “CLASSFILE”, the name could be “myJavaSpy” and the data would be the byte code for the class myJavaSpy which we would load from the file myJavaSpy.class (having previously compiled it from
HANDLE BeginUpdateResource(const TCHAR *executableName, BOOL fDeleteExistingResources);
Call BeginUpdateResource() to open the specified executable and return a resource handle. Pass TRUE for the second argument to erase all existing resources, pass FALSE to keep any existing resources in the executable.
BOOL UpdateResource(HANDLE hUpdate, LPCTSTR lpType, LPCTSTR lpName, WORD wLanguage, LPVOID lpData, DWORD cbData);
Call UpdateResource() to update a resource in the executable represented by the handle hUpdate. Specify the type, name, language (locale) and the data with the remaining arguments. For our example above lpType would be “CLASSFILE” and lpName would be “myJavaSpy”. Pass MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) for language. Pass the java byte code and the length of the byte code for the last two arguments.
EndUpdateResource(HANDLE hUpdate, BOOL fDiscard);
Call EndUpdateResource() to finish updating the resource. If you wish to discard your changes, pass TRUE as the second argument. If you wish to keep your changes, pass FALSE as the second argument.
Putting it together
HANDLE hUpdateRes; // Open the file to which you want to add the dialog box resource. hUpdateRes = BeginUpdateResource(executableName, FALSE); // do not delete existing resources if (hUpdateRes != NULL) { BOOL result; // Add the dialog box resource to the update list. result = UpdateResource(hUpdateRes, customType, customName, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), bytes, numBytes); if (result) { // Write changes to the input DLL and then close it EndUpdateResource(hUpdateRes, FALSE); } }
First, we call BeginUpdateResource() to open the executable for resource updating. We pass FALSE as the second argument to make sure we keep the existing resources and only add our new resource. This call returns an update handle.
If the call to BeginUpdateResource() is successful we received a non-NULL update handle. We use to call UpdateResource() passing the type and name of resource data we wish to update along with the data to update and its length. In this example, we have specified a neutral locale.
Finally, we call EndUpdateResource() to finish updating the resource and to write the results back to the executable (pass FALSE as the second argument).
addResourceToDLL.exe is a command line program that you can add to your post-build process to embed custom resources into your EXE/DLL as you build. It has a quiet mode so that you can suppress any information and/or error messages it may emit. I don’t use the quiet mode, I like to see the confirmation message that it succeeded in embedding data into the DLL. Run without arguments to get the help message.
Help summary
All arguments are mandatory unless noted otherwise.
- -moduleName pathToDLL (or EXE)
- -customResource pathToCustomResource
- -customType type
- -customName name
- -quiet (optional)
addResourceToDLL.exe -moduleName c:\myJavaDetective\myJavaDetective.dll -customResource c:\myJavaDetective\myJavaSpy.class -customType CLASSFILE -customName myJavaSpy
The example above embeds the myJavaSpy.class file into myJavaDetective.dll with the type “CLASSFILE” and name “myJavaSpy”.
Download the addResourceToDLL source code.
Download the addResourceToDLL executable.
In the next article, I will show you how to read the embedded data from the resource.