This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.
This posting covers a brief background: Win32 critical sections. How CCriticalSection and CSingleLock can be used instead of Win32 critical sections. An improved way to […]
Researchers at Brown University have created a new way of interacting with source code and debuggers with their innovative Code Bubble based IDE. The link […]
Will Visual Studio 2035 exist? Will we design and write software the same way in the future? Read Bruce Eckel’s thought provoking article about “Programming […]
In the real world, we all know that pages contain paragraphs and that paragraphs are full of sentences created from words. In the world of […]
The conventional way Memory management in C and C++ is typically done using either the malloc/realloc/free C runtime functions or the C++ operators new and […]
I’m going to explain how to potentially improve the performance of MFC programs using CMap<> and related containers (CMapStringToPtr, etc) by a substantial amount. We […]
We have just released new versions of our software tools that are code signed. This change will please those of you that are using more […]
Everyone uses Visual Studio to write C and C++ software don’t they? Yes! you all chorus. Apart from some guys at the back who like […]
Ever had a crash with a pointer value of 0xcdcdcdcd or 0xdddddddd or 0xfeeefeee? You have? Sooner or later when you work with C or […]
T-shirts appears to be the answer. Even better if they come with a natty logo or slogan. Andy Brice has come up with a wonderful […]