TDS Browser

Are you tired of manually turning crash addresses into symbols?

Do you know how to view the symbols created by Delphi (32 bit and 64 bit) and C++ Builder (32 bit)?

The Problem: Symbols in a TDS file, but no way to view them

You know your symbols are in the TDS file, but you’ve got no way to view them, no way to turn that crash address into a useful symbol that will help identify what’s going wrong with your software at ACME corp. It’s a problem, isn’t it?

You have the data, but no means to use it.

Time to change that.

Interactive TDS file viewer

TDS Browser is an interactive TDS viewer and crash address converter, reading TDS files for Delphi and C++ Builder.

TDS information embedded in EXE/DLL can also be viewed.


You can sort the TDS symbols by name, calling convention, symbol address, symbol size, type, filename and line. Clicking a column header sorts the symbols according to that column. Clicking the same column again reverse the sort direction.


You can filter the TDS symbols by function/data name allowing you to quickly and easily find the symbols of interest.

TDS Browser filters

TDS Browser showing filtered results

Turning crash addresses into symbols

Once you’ve loaded your TDS symbols an interactive query browser allows you to find the right symbol for four different crash address calculations:

  • Absolute crash address. You know the address of the crash and the load address of the DLL containing that address.
    Query TDS Symbol By Absolute Address Dialog With Data
  • DLL relative crash address. You know the crash offset inside the DLL
    Query TDS Symbol By DLL Relative Address Dialog With Data
  • Symbol relative crash address. You know the crash offset from a symbol inside the DLL.
    TDS Symbol Relative Dialog
  • XML Data from a Windows event log crash event.
    Query TDS Symbol By Event Viewer XML Crash Log Dialog With Data

The ability to lookup symbol information so easily is invaluable when investigating crashes.

Get started now. Load your TDS symbols and find the crash location and understand the root cause in a few minutes.

Fully functional, free for 30 days