The Hooked File Extensions tab allows you specify which source code file types should be hooked and source code files should be excluded from hooking.
By default, Bug Validator will try to hook all file types used by your application, but you can choose to list only those which should be included or excluded:
•Hook all file types hook everything - ignoring the settings in the list
•Only hook the file types in the list hook only the listed file types
•Don't hook the file types in the list ignore all the listed file types, and hook everything else
The file extensions to hook list allows you to specify a list of valid file extensions for source code files you want hooked. If the list is empty, then all source code files will be hooked.
For example, you may want to include C++ source and header files but exclude C source files. To do this you would add the following extensions to the list:
or if you use the less common forms of cxx, hxx and hpp:
The list of extensions omits 'c' which is the standard extension for C source files.
•Add... adds a new row to the list
enter the extension you want to allow
•Remove removes selected items in the list
•Remove All removes all items, clearing the list
•C++ adds the file extensions for C++
•C# adds the file extensions for C#
•Delphi adds the file extensions for Delphi
•Fortran 95 adds the file extensions for Fortran 95
•VB.Net adds the file extensions for the VB.Net
•VB6 adds the file extensions for the Visual Basic 6
Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.
Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.