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Data Display

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Options to control what data is displayed




 Display events with the most recent event first and the oldest event last.


 This may seem counterintive at first but it means that all the recent information is at the top of the screen and easily accessible.


 The display also updates faster like this because it doesn't need to be scrolled to keep the most recent information in view.




 Example: /displayMostRecentEventFirst:On

 Example: /displayMostRecentEventFirst:Off




 Display registers with each event.




 Example: /displayRegisters:On

 Example: /displayRegisters:Off




 Keep the display up to date.




 Example: /keepDisplayUptoDate:On

 Example: /keepDisplayUptoDate:Off




 When used with /keepDisplayUptoDate this is a good way of keeping the display up to date without killing performance by listing every single stepping event.




 Example: /dontUpdateTheDisplayWhenSingleStepping:On

 Example: /dontUpdateTheDisplayWhenSingleStepping:Off




 When used with /keepDisplayUptoDate this is a good way of keeping the display up to date without killing performance by listing every single stepping event.




 Example: /updateDisplayWhenNonSingleStepEvent:On

 Example: /updateDisplayWhenNonSingleStepEvent:Off




 Updates the display when the process finishes execution.




 Example: /updateDisplayWhenProcessFinishesExecution:On

 Example: /updateDisplayWhenProcessFinishesExecution:Off




 Updates the display when the process finishes execution and ensures the most recent exception is viewable.




 Example: /updateDisplayWhenProcessFinishesExecutionDisplayMostRecentException:On

 Example: /updateDisplayWhenProcessFinishesExecutionDisplayMostRecentException:Off