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Analysis Display Settings

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The Analysis Display Settings dialog controls the grouping and removal of data shown on the Analysis view.





Clearing the display with new data


The display can be cleared automatically when new data is added.


Auto Clear instructionStep clears the upper window on each new query or when new results are sent from another tab


Promote Clears instructionStep clears the upper window when data is promoted from the lower window


Grouping by callstack


You can opt to show allocations from similar callstacks as individual entries or as single summary entries.


Group by Callstack instructionStep displays all allocations having the same callstack as a single entry


For example, in the mvExmple application,  choosing the menu option Allocation instructionStep Test Many Hooks at once four times would normally show the following




But if entries were set to be grouped by callstack, you'd see this instead:




The summary indicates the number of allocations along with the largest allocation and the total size for all items.



Removal of purged data


Using the allocation history global settings, you can set how much data Memory Validator keeps for reallocated or freed memory.


If you are keeping your analysis results around for a while, or you have a large and active application, you may want to ensure that your analysis results are not affected when older data is purged in this way.


Auto Update instructionStep allows older callstacks to be removed if their historical data is purged


note The default is to auto update the results to remove purged data, but note that if you disable this and have limited memory resources, you should re-enable it when possible, to ensure memory consumption does not build up unnecessarily.




Reset instructionStep resets the options to the default options shown in the screenshot at the top of this section