The following group of API functions notify Memory Validator of allocation behaviour in a custom memory manager.
The functions cover:
•object reference count changes (increment and decrement)
The dllId parameter is the index of the Memory Validator extension DLL (if any) to use.
You can pass two items of user defined data.
The Ex functions take an extra tagTracker parameter - an id returned from a call to mvAddTracker(), or 0 if you don't have one.
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomAlloc(void* address, // address of allocation
SIZE_T size, // size of allocation (bytes)
DWORD_PTR userData1,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1); // extDll id, -1 if none
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomAllocEx(void* address, // address of allocation
SIZE_T size, // size of allocation (bytes)
DWORD_PTR userData1,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1, // extDll id, -1 if none
DWORD tagTracker); // see mvAddTracker() to get tracker id
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomReAlloc(void* oldAddress, // address of allocation
void* newAddress, // address of allocation
SIZE_T newSize, // size of allocation (bytes)
DWORD userData1,
DWORD userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1); // extDll id, -1 if none
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomReAllocEx(void* oldAddress, // address of allocation
void* newAddress, // address of allocation
SIZE_T newSize, // size of allocation (bytes)
DWORD_PTR userData1,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1, // extDll id, -1 if none
DWORD tagTracker); // see mvAddTracker() to get tracker id
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomFree(void* address, // address of free
DWORD userData1,
DWORD userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1); // extDll id, -1 if none
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomFreeEx(void* address, // address of free
DWORD_PTR userData1,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1, // extDll id, -1 if none
DWORD tagTracker); // see mvAddTracker() to get tracker id
Notifies Memory Validator that a specific object has had its reference count decremented.
This is to provide support for those software using reference counting, but have no way of easily tracking where and when reference counts change.
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomRefCountDecrement(DWORD data, // address of allocation
DWORD userData,
DWORD userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1); // extDll id, -1 if none
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomRefCountDecrementEx(DWORD data, // address of allocation
DWORD_PTR userData,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1, // extDll id, -1 if none
DWORD tagTracker); // see mvAddTracker() to get tracker id
Notifies Memory Validator that a specific object has had its reference count incremented.
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomRefCountIncrement(DWORD data, // address of allocation
DWORD userData1,
DWORD userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1); // extDll id, -1 if none
extern "C"
void mvUserCustomRefCountIncrementEx(DWORD data, // address of allocation
DWORD_PTR userData1,
DWORD_PTR userData2,
DWORD dllId = -1, // extDll id, -1 if none
DWORD tagTracker); // see mvAddTracker() to get tracker id