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Memory Validator Help


Searching for allocation addresses


Using the Address Query dialog below, you can search the data for allocation events at or near an address.


Searches can include:


allocations in a memory block of a certain size, starting at an address of your choice

allocations within a specified range of a chosen address (+/-)



The address query dialog


To show the Address Query dialog, choose the menu option below:


menu Query menu instructionStep choose Query Address... instructionStep displays the Address Query dialog


Or use the following icon on the Query Toolbar.








Search criteria


The search address is essential, but size and range are optional for adding some tolerance.


The format of these values can be decimal or prefixed with 0x for a hexadecimal address.


Address to search for instructionStep enter the memory address of interest


Size instructionStep choose a size of memory block within which to search for allocations


Address within range instructionStep enter a tolerance range for finding allocations near to the address


The range can help find potential candidates for memory overrun, underrun and corruption problems.



Allocation types


As well as allocations you can search for reallocations and/or free events:


Allocated instructionStep search for allocations

Reallocated instructionStep search for reallocations

Deleted instructionStep search for free events


Query results


Query instructionStep performs the search

The search results are added to the list in the dialog.


Clear instructionStep clears all the results from the list

The list is not automatically cleared with each search, so you can compare results of different searches


The search results may be shown in the following sections if you entered any of the optional criteria:


results including the address

results within the size, if specified

results within range, if specified


You can specify decimal values and hexadecimal values for your search query.


For example, when searching for address 0x037e6120 with a size of 30 and a range of 0x1000:




Results appear in the earliest of the above sections. They are not repeated in the case where the size and the range might capture overlapping results.


You can expand the search results, and double click the data items to edit source code in your preferred editor.



Finding referenced objects


As well as finding an object at an address, you can find which objects it may reference and which objects may reference it:


Addr Ref'd... instructionStep find other objects which are referenced by the object at the search address


Addr Ref'ing... instructionStep find other objects that reference the object at the search address



Similarly, within the main search results, you can select an item and find potentially referenced and referencing objects:


Referenced... instructionStep find other objects which are referenced by the selected object


Referencing... instructionStep find other objects that reference the selected object


note The target program must still be executing for references to be found. You wouldn't be able to find references in a session that has been loaded from a file.



The references dialog


Referenced and referencing pointers are listed in a new dialog.





Update instructionStep refresh the results


You can keep several of these dialogs open if you want to compare results.


You can double click a row in the Referencing Pointers dialog to edit source code if its available.


note It's normal for there to sometimes be a pause before referenced objects are displayed. This is while the data is being found.



References dialog popup menuright_mouse_button


The following popup menu is available over the data area


Interactive clickable imageClick on any part of the menu to jump straight to the topic below:





Edit Source Code... instructionStep view the source code in the source code editor


Referencing Pointers... instructionStep view pointers referencing the selected address


Referenced Pointers... instructionStep view pointers referenced by the selected address


Show Data at (bytes)... instructionStep view the contents of memory at the selected address


Relations instructionStep a submenu of additional queries related to the current allocation



right_mouse_buttonMenu option: relations


The relations menu has a large sub-menu with many different options for choosing a set of related data to display in the upper analysis window.


Think of this as a sub-query on the working data - like searching for friends of friends on a social network!


Available relations are as follows, with allocations generally meaning any allocation, reallocation or deallocation


Same address

Same size



Finds any other allocations on the same memory address (allocations, reallocs, or frees)

Allocations on any memory objects of identical size

  or on smaller

  or larger objects

Same object type

Finds any other allocations of the same type

Same source file

Same DLL

All allocations from the same file...

  or the same DLL  

Allocations within

For memory allocations, finds all other allocations within a range of 32 bytes up to 4Kb of this one



seeAlso Also see the examples below.



Examples of searches and finding referenced objects


Getting an address to search for


Memory Validator has an example program with which to safely explore all the features available.


While the example program is running, refreshing the Memory Tab view should show an allocated object of type CSingleDocTemplate:




Address to search for


Using the Query Address dialog to search for that object's address and size (address 0x0060A10, size 140 in this case) should show the expected result:






Expanding the size to 0x100 may find more objects. For example:




Address within range


Additionally, setting the range to 0x1000 might give the result:




Addr Ref'd


Clicking Addr Ref'd to find referenced objects should include CTeststakDoc being referenced by the CSingleDocTemplate :




Addr Ref'ing


Clicking Addr Ref'ing to find objects referencing the object at the address 0x0231BD50 might show something like:

