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Memory Validator Help

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Hi, welcome to the Memory Validator help manual.



This help manual is available in Compiled HTML Help (Windows Help files), PDF, and online.



Tutorials for Memory Validator are available at



Before reading this manual, it's worth taking a quick look at the notation used.



Read background information


The overview section covers things like:


the capabilities of Memory Validator

how it works

what's supported

how to purchase


If you've already purchased, thank you!


Learn about getting started


You can skip the background information, but do make sure you're aware of how to prepare your target program in the getting started section.



Dive right in


The quick start section shows how to launch your application


To find your way around the rest of the features and settings then read about the user interface, or browse the examples.


If you're already feeling confident you can read about some of the advanced features such as regression testing, the API and extending Memory Validator.


Don't miss the powerful and easy-to-use tag tracking feature.