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Memory Validator Help


Local Filters


Local filters let you remove unwanted noise from the data views, or when inverted, can target very specific data you want to display.


Being local means they apply only to the tab view where you create them, without affecting other data elsewhere in Memory Validator


The following tabs have local filters:


Memory tab

Types tab

Coverage tab

Analysis tab

Pages tab


While most of the local filters use the more detailed FIlter Definition dialog to fine-tune the filters, the Types and Coverage tab use dialogs with much simpler filtering rules.


The Coverage tab filter dialog can also be accessed on the memory coverage page of the global settings dialog, where it is described in detail.


note In the Types tab, local filters are applied to each of the five local object tabs (Thread, DLL, etc). They do not affect the values in each column, only whether the filtered object type is actually shown in the view.



The local filters dialog


This dialog lets you manage a group of local filters by adding new filters, modifying existing ones and enabling or removing them as required.


This example shows instant, temporary and custom filters:




noteThe local filters dialog for the Types and Coverage do not have the Move or Search options.



Local filter management options


OK instructionStep updates the data view with any newly changed local filters and closes the dialog


Apply instructionStep updates the data view with any newly changed local filters and without closing the dialog


Cancel instructionStep discards and changes to filters and closes the dialog



Add... instructionStep shows a dialog such as the Filter Definition dialog to define a new filter to add to the list


Edit... instructionStep reopens the definition dialog to view or modify the selected filter

 Double clicking a filter in the list also works.


Delete instructionStep removes the selected filters from the list


Delete All instructionStep clears the list completely



The next three options are only found on the Memory, Analysis and Pages local filter dialogs:


Move... instructionStep opens the Move Filter Group dialog below so you can move the filter to a group elsewhere, thus not making it local any more.

 First choose a global or session filter group, and then which of its managers and groups you want to move the filter to.


 If you don't have a target group yet, you can type a new group name or select NewGroup from the list.


Copy... instructionStep opens the Copy Filter Group dialog below so you can copy the filter to a group elsewhere, thus not making it local any more.

 First choose a global or session filter group, and then which of its managers and groups you want to move the filter to.


 If you don't have a target group yet, you can type a new group name or select NewGroup from the list.


Search... instructionStep shows the Find Filter dialog to look for a filter in your list which matches an object type, size or file location

 note Searching is only going to be useful when you have many filters in your group.



Enable/Disable All instructionStep switches all the filters on or off



Load... instructionStep load the filters from a local filters file, replacing the existing filters


Merge... instructionStep load the filters from a local filters file, adding to the existing filters without causing duplicate filters.


Save... instructionStep save the filters to a local filters file


Sorting Filters


Filters can be sorted by:


Enabled state instructionStep filters are sorted by their enabled state. For any two filters that have the same enabled state they are sorted by the filter comment field


Comment instructionStep filters are sorted by their comment field. For any two filters that have the same comment they are sorted by the enabled field


To sort filters click the appropriate column header. To change sort direction click the same column header again.



Lifetime Filter




The lifetime filter allows you to show or hide data that has existed for less than a specific time, or for longer than a specific time.


The time is specified in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.


Lifetime Filter instructionStep turn the lifetime filter on / off


HH:MM:SS:mm instructionStep specify the time using the four combo boxes


Filter comparison instructionStep specify if events are filtered because they have lifetimes shorter than the filter, or longer than the filter



Showing (or hiding) filtered results


The filters can be set to hide data that matches any of the filters, or to show data that matches any of the filters. The default is to hide data that matches any of the filters.


Filters hide data instructionStep if selected, sets the filter to hide matching data from display, rather than displaying it


Filters show data instructionStep if selected, sets the filter to only display matching data to display, rather than hiding it


Filters that show data are perfect for showing very focused and targeted results.


note Filters that show data can be more computationally expensive, so use them with caution!



Remembering local filters between sessions


The local filters for each view can be reset or kept when a new session starts.


The default behaviour is to keep them between sessions, whether or not the executable changes


Reset local filters for each new session instructionStep removes the local filters at the start of the next session


Keep local filters for each new session instructionStep keeps the filters (the default)

When you start a session the number of local filters displayed on the Filter button on those tabs that have it.
