While manual regression testing is possible using the session comparison feature, automated unattended testing is purely command line driven.
Typically, command line options allow Memory Validator to run by specifying:
•the target program to run
•arguments to pass to the target program
•the working directory to run in
•a baseline session to compare with
•where and how to save results
•whether to run with or without the user interface
Usually Memory Validator would exit between automated tests, but it can be made to stay running if necessary.
To run 32 bit memory validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Memory Validator x86\memoryValidator.exe
To run 64 bit memory validator run C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Memory Validator x64\memoryValidator_x64.exe
There are a few basic rules to remember when using the command line arguments:
•separate arguments by spaces
•quote arguments if they contain spaces
•some arguments are only useful in conjunction with others
•some arguments are incompatible with others
If your command line is very long, consider using -commandFile to specify a command file for your arguments.