In order to keep a collective watch on some general statistics, the Running Totals dialog keeps a count of the number of bytes and handles allocated.
To show the Find Memory dialog, choose the menu option below:
Or use the icon on the Tools toolbar.
The totals are grouped by related memory/handle allocator, described in the first column.
Each group of statistics has the following values:
•Count the number of memory allocations or handles currently in use at this time
•Memory the amount of memory or handles currently in use at this time
•Max Count the maximum number of memory allocations or handles in use at any time
•Max Memory the maximum amount of memory or handles in use at any time
•Total Events the total number of memory allocations, reallocations, deallocations or handle allocations, handle deallocations until this point in time
•Total Bytes the total amount of memory allocations, reallocations, deallocations or handle allocations, handle deallocations until this point in time
•Alloc Count the number of memory or handles that have been allocated
•Alloc Size the size of memory or handles that have been allocated
•Alloc Max Count the maximum number of memory or handles that have been allocated
•Alloc Max Size the maximum amount of memory or handles that has been allocated
•Alloc Cumulative Count the total number amount of memory or handles that have been allocated
•Alloc Cumulative Size the total amount of memory or handles that have been allocated
•Realloc Count the number of memory or handles that have been reallocated
•Realloc Size the size of memory or handles that have been reallocated
•Realloc Max Count the maximum number of memory or handles that have been reallocated
•Realloc Max Size the maximum amount of memory or handles that has been reallocated
•Realloc Cumulative Count the total number amount of memory or handles that have been reallocated
•Realloc Cumulative Size the total amount of memory or handles that have been reallocated
•Free Count the number of memory or handles that have been deallocated
•Free Size the size of memory or handles that have been deallocated
•Free Max Count the maximum number of memory or handles that have been deallocated
•Free Max Size the maximum amount of memory or handles that has been deallocated
•Free Cumulative Count the total number amount of memory or handles that have been deallocated
•Free Cumulative Size the total amount of memory or handles that have been deallocated