To demonstrate the use of bookmarks we'll run the example application once, add some bookmarks, do more work and then easily return to the bookmarked items.
•Memory tab Display...
ensure All Memory (leaks, errors, unleaked) is selected in the first combo box
launch nativeExample.exe wait until attaching is complete
•Memory tab Refresh
the display updates to include the usual selection of allocations
Pick three allocations of interest, perhaps the most recent allocations of different datatypes, such as CString, int [] or DWORD []
For each one, do the following:
Add Bookmark...
shows the Bookmark Name dialog pre-filled with an automatic name
•Enter a name of your choice, for example relating to the data type you selected OK
adds a bookmark to the system
There are now three bookmarks for three different traces in the bookmark manager.
We'll come back to these later, but first we'll make some more allocations.
Allocations menu
Test Many Hooks at Once
makes a selection of allocations
Feel free to make any more allocations you wish, using the test options in the example program.
•Memory tab Refresh
the display should refresh to include the new items.
The items you bookmarked are a little further down the display, but in a real world scenario, they might be lost in a sea of data!
Managers menu
Bookmark Manager...
displays the Bookmarks dialog
You should see the three bookmarks you added earlier
Select one of the bookmarks. In this case we'll choose int [ ].
•Goto scrolls the display to the original item bookmarked for this name.
Bookmarks can only be used on the Memory tab and the Analysis tab.
If the memory has been deallocated the trace will no longer be displayed on the memory view. The bookmark manager won't be able to find it. Use the Analysis view instead.
File menu