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.Net Core Runtime Arguments Editor

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The .Net Core runtime arguments editor allows you to choose which options you pass to the .Net Core runtime.


Typically no arguments or just "exec" are passed to the runtime, assuming everything that is needed is in the same directory.





Enabling each check box will add the appropriate option to the runtime arguments.


The field can populated using the Browse... button to display a file or folder browser, or edited directly if you wish to add more than one path.


Some fields change depending on the SDK version chosen.


--additionalprobingpath instructionStep path containing probing policy and assemblies to probe


--additional-deps instructionStep path to an additional .deps.json file


--depsfile instructionStep path to the deps.json file.


--runtimeconfig instructionStep path to a runtimeconfig.json file


--roll-forward instructionStep how to apply roll forward for .Net Core SDK 3.0 and above


--roll-forward-on-no-candidate-fx instructionStep how to apply roll forward for .Net Core SDK 2.x


--fx-version instructionStep version of .Net runtime to use to run the application


exec instructionStep adds the "exec" keyword at the end of the arguments list



If you don't know what these options are you should read the .Net runtime options document shown in the link below before changing any of them.


We cannot advise you on how to set these values - except to say that if you're not setting them when using .Net Core outside of this software tool you shouldn't be setting them when using this software tool.



.Net Core Runtime Options


.Net Core provides some options that allow you to control how .Net Core performs.


Detailed information on these options is provided by Microsoft at