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Memory Validator Help


The following options may help with using and debugging the command line driven automated regression testing.



Command line help





Command line help is printed on the standard output.



Debugging command driven testing


If you're having problems with using the command line, check the following, try displaying error messages using the option below, and look at the exit return codes.


separate command line arguments with spaces

all command line options that include spaces need to have quotes around them

some arguments are only useful in conjunction with others - check notes against each option

some arguments are incompatible with others - check notes against each option




Forces errors to be displayed using a message box when running from the command line.


This can be very useful when debugging a command line that does not appear to work correctly.



Exit return codes


Memory Validator returns the following status codes when running from the command line.


0   instructionStep All ok

-1   instructionStep Unknown error. An unexpected error occurred starting the runtime

-2   instructionStep Application started ok. You should not see this code returned

-3   instructionStep Application failed to start. E.g. runtime not present, not an executable or injection dll not present,

-4   instructionStep Target application is not an application

-5   instructionStep Don't know what format the executable is, cannot process it

-6   instructionStep Not a 32 bit application

-7   instructionStep Not a 64 bit application

-8   instructionStep Using incorrect MSVCR(8|9).DLL that links to CoreDLL.dll (incorrect DLL is from WinCE)

-9   instructionStep Win16 app cannot start these because we can't inject into them

-10 instructionStep Win32 app - not used

-11 instructionStep Win64 app - not used

-12 instructionStep .Net application

-13 instructionStep User bailed out because app not linked to MSVCRT dynamically

-14 instructionStep Not found in launch history

-15 instructionStep DLL to inject was not found

-16 instructionStep Startup directory does not exist

-17 instructionStep Symbol server directory does not exist

-18 instructionStep Could not build a command line

-19 instructionStep No runtime specified, cannot execute script (or Java) (obsolete)

-20 instructionStep Java arguments are OK - not an error  (obsolete)

-21 instructionStep Java agentlib supplied that is not allowed because Java Memory Validator uses it (obsolete)

-22 instructionStep Java xrun supplied that is not allowed because Java Memory Validator uses it (obsolete)

-23 instructionStep Java cp supplied that is not allowed because Java Memory Validator uses it (obsolete)

-24 instructionStep Java classpath supplied that is not allowed because Java Memory Validator uses it (obsolete)

-25 instructionStep Firefox is already running, please close it (obsolete)

-26 instructionStep Lua runtime DLL version is not known (obsolete)

-27 instructionStep Not compatible software

-28 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, no DLL name supplied

-29 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, Unable to open PE File when inspecting DLL

-30 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, Invalid PE File when inspecting DLL

-31 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, No Kernel32 DLL

-32 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL VirtualFree() from GetProcAddress

-33 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL GetModuleHandleW() from GetModuleHandleW

-34 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL LoadLibraryW() from LoadLibraryW

-35 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL FreeLibrary() from FreeLibrary

-36 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL VirtualProtect() from GetProcAddress

-37 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL VirtualFree() from GetProcAddress

-38 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, unable to find DLL load address

-39 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, unable to write to remote process's memory

-40 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, unable to read remote process's memory

-41 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, unable to resume a thread

-42 instructionStep UPX compressed - cannot process such executables

-43 instructionStep Java class not found in CLASSPATH

-44 instructionStep Failed to launch the 32 bit svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-45 instructionStep Uknown error with svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-46 instructionStep Couldn't load specified DLL into svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-47 instructionStep Couldn't find function in the DLL svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-48 instructionStep Missing DLL argument svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-49 instructionStep Missing function argument svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-50 instructionStep Missing svlGetProcAddressHelperUtil.exe

-51 instructionStep Target process has a manifest that requires elevation

-52 instructionStep svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe not found

-53 instructionStep svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe failed to start

-54 instructionStep svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe failed to return error code

-55 instructionStep getImageBase() worked ok

-56 instructionStep ReadFile() failed in getImageBase()

-57 instructionStep NULL pointer when trying to allocate memory

-58 instructionStep CreateFile() failed in getImageBase()

-59 instructionStep ReadProcessMemory() failed in getImageBase()

-60 instructionStep VirtualQueryEx() failed in getImageBase()

-61 instructionStep Bad /appName argument in svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe

-62 instructionStep Bad /dllName argument in svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe

-63 instructionStep Bad /procId argument in svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe

-64 instructionStep Failed to OpenProcess in svlInjectIntoProcessHelper_x64.exe

-65 instructionStep A DLL that the .exe depends upon cannot be found

-66 instructionStep A stdin file was specified, but Validator could not open it

-67 instructionStep A stdout file was specified, but Validator could not open it

-68 instructionStep Failed to create the child output pipe

-69 instructionStep Failed to create a duplicate of the output write handle for the std error write handle. This is necessary in case the child application closes one of its std output handles

-70 instructionStep Failed to create the child input pipe

-71 instructionStep Failed to create a duplicate output read temporary file

-72 instructionStep Failed to create a duplicate input write temporary file

-73 instructionStep User was trying to launch a service as an application that was linked to MV APIs. User cancelled when informed of this fact

-74 instructionStep Returned by Memory Validator if user performs a baseline comparison and memory leaks are detected

-75 instructionStep Shutdown and restart as 32 bit Memory Validator

-76 instructionStep Shutdown and restart as 64 bit Memory Validator

-77 instructionStep Entry point in executable is NULL.

-78 instructionStep Application is .Net Core.

-79 instructionStep Entry point is for a .Net application.

-80 instructionStep VirtualAllocEx() returned NULL

-81 instructionStep InjectUsingCreateProcess, NULL GetLastError() from GetProcAddress



Updating data after test completion


You can run automated tests that leave the user interface open after completion,


The following options are used to automatically refresh the main data tabs in Memory Validator once a test is complete.





