Adds a filename or directory to the list of file filters OutputDebugString Checker will examine when checking for function call usage.
/addFileFilter filename
/addFileFilter directory
Example: /addFileFilter e:\om\c\threadLockChecker\tlcExample\tlcExample.cpp
Example: /addFileFilter e:\om\c\threadLockChecker\tlcExample\
Adds a function to the list of functions OutputDebugString Checker will check.
/addFunction functionName
Example: ./addFunction myDebugInformationFunction
Specifies the directory hierarchy that will be scanned by OutputDebugString Checker.
/dir directory
Example: /dir e:\om\c\
Specifies the line pragma to use if line pragmas are enabled.
/linePragma pragma
Example: /linePragma SVL_ODS_PRAGMA
Example usage of the pragma in code:
OutputDebugString(_T("NVIDIA Properties Dump\r\n")); // SVL_ODS_PRAGMA
Enables or disables the ignoring of locks if a line pragma is found in a comment on the same line as the function call.
If you use this option to enable line pragmas you must use /linePragma to specify a line pragma to use. If you don't specify a line pragma this option does nothing.
Example: /linePragmaEnable:On
Example: /linePragmaEnable:Off
Specifies a file to load that contains settings that will override the current settings for this command line search.
/loadSettings filename
Example: /loadSettings e:\tests\test1\testSettings.tlc
Specifies a filename to write the results of the command line search.
If no errors are found any file with this name will be deleted.
If errors are found a text file will be written containing error information. Error information will be listed one error per line.
/output filename
Example: /output e:\tests\test1\testResults.txt
Removes all conditionals from the list of conditionals OutputDebugString Checker will use to check when checking for function call usage.
This option should be used before any use of /addConditional.
Removes all file filters from the list of file filters OutputDebugString Checker will use to check which files and directories to ignore when checking for function call usage.
This option should be used before any use of /addFileFilter.
Removes all functions from the list of functions OutputDebugString Checker will check.
This option should be used before any use of /addFunction.
OutputDebugString Checker will only report functions that are conditionally compiled inside a define specified by the settings
Example: /reportConditional:On
Example: /reportConditional:Off
OutputDebugString Checker will only report functions that are not conditionally compiled inside a define specified by the settings
Example: /reportNonConditional:On
Example: /reportNonConditional:Off
Reset all settings to the default values for this command line search.
You should put this first on your command line to create a known default state prior to setting values using the command line.