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Performance Validator Help

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The need for examples


We know Performance Validator is a complex product, but the programs that need to be tested are often even more complex, and are certainly all different.


For this reason, it's important to be able to test and demonstrate the features of Performance Validator in an easy and repeatable way.


Having said that, Performance Validator provides performance information and doesn't detect error conditions, so the example program is quite simplistic.


The example application provides a safe test demonstration:


It lets you trigger time consuming calculations in your own time so you can observe performance hotspots

It provides source code to demonstrate usage, correctly or otherwise!


This section has help for the example application followed by some examples of using it in conjunction with Performance Validator.


Some additional projects provide examples of using NT Services.


All example projects are supplied as source code and projects. You'll need to build the example or services before you can use them.