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Hook Insertion

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The Hook Insertion page allows you to specify which groups of source files are hooked in the target program.






note These hook settings will not take effect during a session that is already running.



Source Code Line Hook Insertion


The File Locations settings let you set several lists of files including


your own source files

third party source files


and then of course there's implicitly:


'everything else' that you didn't specify.


The default behaviour is to hook everything referenced in a PDB or MAP file that is in one of these three categories.


You can change whether to include or exclude any of these sets.


Untick the boxes to stop tracking all lines in all files in...


directories listed as source directories


directories listed as third party source directories


all other directories (i.e. not any directory matching the two options above)


assembler files in any directory



Function Line Hooking


To hook each source code line Performance Validator has to find the start address of each line and then ensure hooking the line will not result in corruption of the code relating to other parts of the program.


The data to determine the location of each source code line is found in PDB files and MAP files that contain line number information.


You can choose whether to use only PDB files, only MAP files, or to set a preference for one source over the other.


Use PDB files... instructionStep Allow use of PDB files for iterating files


Use MAP files... instructionStep Allow use of MAP files for iterating files



If setting PDB and MAP files to be used, you can set the preferred use in the drop-down list:


Hook insertion preference


PDB files only instructionStep Ignores MAP files (same as unchecking MAP file usage)


MAP files only instructionStep Ignores PDB files (same as unchecking PDB file usage)


Use MAP when no PDB instructionStep PDB files are used in preference to MAP files.


MAP files are only used when the required PDB file cannot be found


Use PDB when no MAP instructionStep MAP files are used in preference to PDB files.


PDB files are only used when the required MAP file cannot be found, or the MAP file does not contain line number information


 note Warning: You should be aware that MAP files may not include all line information, meaning some displayed lines may not be coloured. Consider using the Use MAP when no PDB option instead.



Map file not recognised?


Due to daylight saving times it is possible for a MAP file to have an embedded timestamp that is different than the DLL timestamp by an hour.


Performance Validator will not recognise such a MAP as valid, but rebuilding the application will resolve this.



Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.



Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.