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Thread Lock Checker Help




 Specifies the directory hierarchy that will be scanned by Thread Lock Checker.


 /dir directory


 Example: /dir e:\om\c\





All /detectXXXX options are followed by :On or :Off to enable or disable the option



 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock   lock(&sect, TRUE);


 This lock is locked. That's usually desirable behaviour. This checking option is normally turned off as you don't normally want to detect correct behaviour.




 Example: /detectLocked:On

 Example: /detectLocked:Off



 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock   lock(&sect, FALSE);


 This lock isn't locked. Is this really what you want?





 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock   lock(&sect);


 This looks like it's locked, but it's actually not locked (the default value for the second parameter is FALSE).





 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock   lock(&sect, variable);


 In this case we don't know if variable is TRUE or FALSE, so we bring this to your attention for manual checking.





 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock(&sect, variable);


 Note, the variable 'lock' in the other examples is missing.





 Thread Lock Checker will detect locks configured as CSingleLock(, variable);


 This last case is a compile error. As such it is unlikely to get to the point where you'll need to catch this before a commit to your version control system. But we detect such errors for completeness of error detection.






 Turns off all detect options.


 You should put this before any /detectXXXXX options if you wish to start from a known (nothing detected) state when setting detect options.





Lock Types




 Adds a lock type to the list of lock types Thread Lock Checker will check.


 /addLockType type


 Example: ./addLockType CSingleLock




 Removes all lock types from the list of lock types Thread Lock Checker will check.


 This option should be used before any use of /addLockType.





File Filters




 Adds a filename or directory to the list of file filters Thread Lock Checker will examine when checking for thread locking errors.


 /addFileFilter filename

 /addFileFilter directory


 Example: /addFileFilter e:\om\c\threadLockChecker\tlcExample\tlcExample.cpp

 Example: /addFileFilter e:\om\c\threadLockChecker\tlcExample\




 Removes all file filters from the list of file filters Thread Lock Checker will use to check which files and directories to ignore when checking for thread locking errors.


 This option should be used before any use of /addFileFilter.





Line Pragma




 Enables or disables the ignoring of locks if a line pragma is found in a comment on the same line as the lock declaration.


 If you use this option to enable line pragmas you must use /linePragma to specify a line pragma to use. If you don't specify a line pragma this option does nothing.




 Example: /linePragmaEnable:On

 Example: /linePragmaEnable:Off




 Specifies the line pragma to use if line pragmas are enabled.


 /linePragma pragma


 Example: /linePragma SVL_TLC_PRAGMA


 Example usage of the pragma in code:


         CSingleLock        lock(&critSect, FALSE);                // SVL_TLC_PRAGMA, this lock is intentionally unlocked to start with







 Specifies a file to load that contains settings that will override the current settings for this command line search.


 /loadSettings filename


 Example: /loadSettings e:\tests\test1\testSettings.tlc



 Specifies a filename to write the results of the command line search.


 If no errors are found any file with this name will be deleted.


 If errors are found a text file will be written containing error information. Error information will be listed one error per line.


 /output filename


 Example: /output e:\tests\test1\testResults.txt



 Reset all settings to the default values for this command line search.


 You should put this first on your command line to create a known default state prior to setting values using the command line.

