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Navigation: Examples > Example NT Service

Building the example service

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Example service project files


The example project can be found in the service sub-directory in the directory where Thread Validator was installed.


If the directory is not present, reinstall your software and choose custom or full installation.


There are two project files in the directory:


service.dsp instructionStep for Microsoft® Developer Studio® 6.0  

service.vcproj instructionStep for Microsoft® Visual Studio / .net




There are just two simple configurations in each project:


Debug / Release instructionStep dynamically links to the svlTVStubService(_x64).lib demonstrating use with the NT Service API  


Using the service


To run the service, you will need administrator privileges.


Once the service is installed and started, you can use the provided serviceClient to interact with it.


The service is named SVL x86/x64 TV Simple Service in the control panel Services dialog.




Once you start the service, it will show as 'Running'




The service provides the following command line options:


-install instructionStep Install the service

-remove instructionStep Uninstall the service


-start instructionStep Start the service


-stop instructionStep Stop the service

-debug instructionStep Run as a console application for debugging

-? instructionStep Display the help message

-help instructionStep Display the help message



Open a cmd prompt in administrator mode, navigate to the location of the service executable, and use one of these commands to install, remove, start, stop the service.



 serviceTV.exe -install


 serviceTV.exe -start


 serviceTV.exe -stop


 serviceTV.exe -remove