Exporting sessions allows you to use external tools to analyse or view session data for whatever reasons you might need.
You can export to HTML or XML format:
You can't import session data.
Use save and load if you want to save session data for loading back into Thread Validator at a later date.
The Export Session dialog looks very similar to the Save Session dialog, except there are more options enabled.
Critical sections and waits will be exported automatically. The following additional information is optional
•Allocated/Entered object types specified below that have been allocated or entered
•Deallocated/Exited object types specified below that have been deallocated or exited from
Choose what type of data you want to include
•Synchronization export synchronization objects
•Handle export handles (e.g. notifications)
•Trace TRACE() and OutputDebugString() messages
For each type of data
•Include Stack Trace includes the relevant stack trace information in the export
•Detailed Report adds Thread ID and timestamp information to the report
•Colour Coded Report for HTML reports, exports a coloured HTML table layout
The colour scheme is not configurable.
If you want a custom style, export a detailed XML report and process that to generate the HTML report.
Specify the output destination and format:
•File type the filename or Browse to a location
•Format set whether exporting HTML or XML
Defaults to the menu option selected, but included here to more easily export one format and then the other.
•Encoding set whether UTF-16 LE, UTF-8 or ASCII encoding. By default the exported file is saved in the Windows Unicode format UTF-16 little endian. You can also save in UTF-8 and ASCII. ASCII has no byte order mark at the start of the file.
•OK exports the session data
Check the overwrite existing file option if you want to be warned about overwrites.