Using the Single Thread Critical Section Detector dialog below, you can search for potentially unnecessary synchronization objects that have only been used in one thread.
If further examination within your program confirms the critical sections are not needed, you may be able to improve performance in your program by removing them.
To show this dialog, choose the menu option below:
Or use the following icon on the Query Toolbar.
•Display one/all entry per critical section show just one use of a given critical section by one thread, or show all uses
•Clear remove any existing results from the display
•Find performs the search, displaying results in the list
Results are appended to any previous search results.
You can expand the search results, and double click the data items to edit source code in your preferred editor.
Thread Validator has an example program you can use to safely explore features.
In the example program, the Test menu has options for starting deadlock threads:
After starting deadlock Thread 1, that menu option is disabled and clicking Find on the Single Thread dialog shows two results: