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Hook Insertion

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The Hook Insertion tab allows you to control which functions are monitored by Thread Validator.





Change hooks before a session


Before a session starts you can set which data items are hooked.


Hooking changes made mid session will come into effect on the next session, but you can enable or disable the data from installed hooks at any time using the hooks tab.



Hook Insertion


Two check boxes control which groups of hooks are inserted into your application.


Synchronization functions instructionStep inserts hooks for tracking synchronization objects into the target program


If enabled, the default behaviour is that critical section enter and leave events will be tracked. Additional functions can then be specified below.


Functions working with waitable handles instructionStep hooks (below) for tracking functions that create, manage and destroy waitable handles will be inserted into the target program


A few additional functions (Sleep, and critical section related functions) are also monitored.


Specify which groups of functions should have data collected from them using the individual check boxes. (See note about memory below).


Any collected data can be viewed on the Active Objects and Analysis tabs.


Groups of items

Functions that...

Critical Section

initialize, modify and destroy


create, open and destroy


create, open and destroy


create, open and destroy

Register Wait

register and unregister

Waitable Timer

create, open and destroy

Job Object

create, open and destroy


create, open and destroy


create, open and destroy


create, open and destroy files (of any type)

Duplicate Handle

miscellaneous handle functions

Change Notification

create, open and destroy file change notifications

Timer Queue

create, open and destroy timer queues and timer queue timers


Other options:



Sleep and SleepEx
For many applications, enabling Sleep will generate a lot of data,

as various threads sleep from time to time.


Collect NULL and Invalid Handles

information about failed handle creation
When collecting waitable handles, you may also want to collect information about failed handle creation using this option.



Select/Deselect All instructionStep switches all the above functions allocating waitable handles - i.e. not Sleep and invalid handles


note It's recommended that options in this section are only enabled if you need to monitor the data. If you subsequently find that memory consumption is very high, consider changing the settings here, or on the Historical Data tab.



Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.



Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.