Thread Validator can manage multiple sessions at once.
As well as the actively running session, open sessions may include those run since Thread Validator started, or reloaded sessions that had been saved earlier.
Each time a session is started or loaded it is added to this list, using the name of the executable program and the date and time the session started.
•Select makes the selected entry the current session, i.e. the one for which data will be displayed
Some tab views may update immediately, others may need a manual refresh.
•Set Alias... opens the Edit Session Alias dialog so you can give the session a more useful name
The alias is added before the session details:
•Delete removes the selected session
You can't delete a session that is actively collecting data.
•Delete All removes all the loaded sessions
If one of the session is actively collecting data, this will be disabled.
•Close closes the dialog (as opposed to closing any selected sessions!)
You can choose to limit the maximum number of sessions open at once.
Once this limit is reached, then each time a new session is added, the oldest session may automatically be removed:
•Auto purge sessions ensures that the number of loaded sessions is limited to the maximum (below)
•Maximum number of sessions sets the maximum number of sessions allowed if auto-purge is on