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Thread Validator Help


The Symbol Load Preferences tab allows you to configure which debug information types are looked for and which are ignored.


This can save some time fetching symbols each time a DLL is loaded.






Select your compiler / IDE... instructionStep choose a preset definition for a compiler / IDE, or edit one of four custom symbol load preferences


The present definitions are:

oI don't know which compilers instructionStep choose this if you don't know which compilers were used to build the software

oAll compilers instructionStep choose this to let Thread Validator fetch the symbols

oVisual Studio instructionStep choose this if you're only using Visual Studio

oVisual Basic 6 instructionStep choose this if you're only using Visual Basic 6

oDelphi instructionStep choose this if you're only using Delphi

oC++ Builder instructionStep choose this if you're using C++ Builder on 32 bit Windows

oC++ Builder 32 bit instructionStep choose this if you're using C++ Builder to build 32 bit applications

oC++ Builder 64 bit instructionStep choose this if you're using C++ Builder to build 64 bit applications

oMingW / gcc / g++ / QtCreator / Dev C++ instructionStep choose this if you're using MingW / gcc / g++

oQtCreator / Dev C++ instructionStep choose this if you're using QtCreator

oDev C++ instructionStep choose this if you're using Dev C++

oRust instructionStep choose this if you're using Rust

oSalford Fortran 95 instructionStep choose this if you're using Salford Fortran 95

oCustom 1 instructionStep choose this to edit a definition you can reuse

oCustom 2 instructionStep choose this to edit a definition you can reuse

oCustom 3 instructionStep choose this to edit a definition you can reuse

oCustom 4 instructionStep choose this to edit a definition you can reuse


Editing a definition


Once a definition has been selected the appropriate check boxes next to each debug information type are populated.
You can edit these selections, for example to include or exclude PDB debug information for operating system DLLs, or allow Thread Validator to search for COFF debug information, whatever is optimal for the way you are working.


Custom definitions


Only the custom definitions will be remembered if they are edited.


The four custom definitions will be remembered, so the next time you choose them you'll get the definition you edited. If you choose one of the preset definitions and edit it, you'll use the edited definition, but if you then change to a different preset (or a custom definition) and then back to the original preset you'll get the preset definition, not your edited version of the preset definition.



Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.



Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.