Build Visual Studio solution
Specify the Visual Studio solution to build.
If the name contains spaces, it should be quoted.
/buildSolution e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.sln
/buildSolution "e:\om\c\dev workspace\testApps.sln"
Related options
This option is best used with /loadSettings to load the settings you wish to use to build the solution, or with /resetSettings to use the default settings to build the solution.
Alternatively you can specify individual project file types to build in the solution:
Batch file usage
start /wait "Build TestApps" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Verify\Visual Studio Project Builder\visualStudioProjectBuilder.exe" /resetSettings /buildSolution "e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.sln"
This line in the batch file does this:
•starts Visual Studio Project Builder
•resets the settings to the default
•loads e:\om\c\testApps\testApps.sln
•builds all configurations of all projects in the solution (which projects and configurations are controlled by the settings - you can change this by using /loadSettings)
•closes Visual Studio Project Builder
•the batch file waits for Visual Studio Project Builder before executing the next statement in the batch file