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Native API

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The Coverage Validator API


There are some features of Coverage Validator that are useful to call directly from your program.



Working with services?


If you are working with services you to attach Coverage Validator to a service and to start Coverage Validator, you should use the NT Service API, not the functions in this API.


All the other functions in this API can be used with applications and with services.



Deploying on a customer machine


You can use the API without incurring any dependency on Coverage Validator.


If Coverage Validator is not installed on the machine the software runs on, nothing will happen.


This allows you to add the Coverage Validator API to your software without need to have a separate build for use with Coverage Validator.



Convenience functions


One convenience function is provided that will start the Coverage Validator GUI (if it is not already running), then load the Coverage Validator code coverage collector into your process and start collecting code coverage.


extern "C"

int loadValidatorIntoApplication();


TRUE   Successfully loaded CV DLL into target application and successfully started the profiler.
FALSE   Failed to load the CV DLL or failed to start the profiler.


To use this function #include loadValidatorIntoApplication.h into your code.


The source files can be found in the API directory in the Coverage Validator install directory.





Just add these files to your project and build.