The Path Substitutions tab allows you to specify how file paths can be modified to account for copying a build from a build machine to a development machine or test machine.
File paths need to be modified otherwise the debug information will point to source code in locations that don't exist on the new machine.
There are no substitutions set up by default:
Path Substitutions
Or you may just be copying a build from a drive on a development machine to a subdirectory on a drive on your test machine.
•Add adds a row to the File Paths Substitutions table
enter the new path that will replace the old path in the New Path column
click in the Old Path column
enter the path that is being replaced
For example, you might enter c:\users\stephen\documents for the new path and f:\dev\build for the old path.
You can double click to edit drives and paths in the table, or remove items:
•Remove removes selected substitutions from the list
•Remove All removes all substitutions from the list
Alternatively, press to delete selected items, and
to select all items in the list first.
Example: Changed disk drive
Project originally located at |
m:\dev\build\testApp |
Project copied to |
e:\dev\build\testApp |
New Path |
e:\ |
Old Path |
m:\ |
Example: Project copied to a new location
Project originally located at |
f:\dev\build\testApp |
Project copied to |
C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\testApp |
New Path |
C:\Users\Stephen\Documents |
Old Path |
f:\dev\build |
The slashes do not have to match, a forward slash will match a backslash when comparing path fragments. This is deliberate - to improve ease of use with libraries built by different compilers (LLVM and compilers that use it use forward slashes, whereas Visual Studio etc use backslashes).
Path substitution can be turned off, use only manually specified paths, perform automatic path substitution based on best guesses based on information in the executable, or a combination.
Use the combo box to choose the appropriate path substitution method. The default is automatic path substitution and if that fails to try path substitution using the manually specified paths.
•No path substitution path substitution does not happen
•Only substitute specified paths path substitution uses the manually specified paths
•Automatic substitution only path substitution is performed automatically using information in the executable
•Automatic substitution, specified paths if substitution fails an attempt at automatic path substitution is made, if this fails path substitution is performed using the manually specified paths
The default is Automatic substitution, specified paths if substitution fails.
File Substitution is for updating the source code paths in the debugging information as the code coverage information is being collected.
It is not for fixing up paths because you accidentally collected coverage using one set of paths on computerA and a different set of paths on computerB and then want to fix those paths (for example when merging collected data).
The correct solution for this scenario is to fix the paths on both machines to match each other. You are in control of this scenario, therefore you can set it up correctly.
It is not the same as the build machine vs dev machine environment where the build directory may change with each rolling build and the dev machine may have multiple branches on it, each with a different path.
Reset All - Resets all global settings, not just those on the current page.
Reset - Resets the settings on the current page.