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The User Interface

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The part of Coverage Validator that you get to see is the user interface.


Behind the scenes, the stub installs and controls the data hooks in the target program and interacts with the user interface.


This section describes the various functions of the user interface so that you can get the most from using Coverage Validator.



Typical workflow


Typical usage of Coverage Validator is very simple:


Start the target program

Collect and monitor the coverage data of the program

Close the program

Analyse the coverage - saving or exporting data if needed


However, there is much more to Coverage Validator than this simple workflow. For example, whilst your program is running, you can display data and gain insight into a bug you are looking at in the debugger. And of course you can determine the functionality needed for testing on order to achieve a higher percentage of code execution.



The user interface


The user interface consists of the menus, toolbars, status bar and the main display tabs.


Read on to find out about all those features, or click parts of the image below to jump directly to any of the menus, tabs or other sections of interest.


