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Coverage Validator Help


The Summary tab view displays a dashboard of high level information about the coverage of the current application.





The summary tab


The display shows various coverage statistics with percentages where appropriate.


Each dial summarises coverage of the different types of information found in the main tabs.


Files (Coverage)




Branches and Function Branches



Clicking on the dials takes you to the corresponding main tab to explore in more detail.


note Branches gets two dials, one for just branches (Branches) and one for functions that contain branches (Function Branches)



Understanding the dials


Each dial displays:


numeric statistics on visited and unvisited items, and those items with 100% coverage

the unvisited/visited information as angular data


the 100% coverage as inner radial data

the partial coverage distribution as outer radial data  





The following dial summarises data on a total of 26,748 known functions in a complex target program





note The radius of the inner area may grow or shrink as the target program runs, since the proportion of visited functions that have 100% coverage can go up or down.



Status summary area


Below the dials is a status area showing any comments or special notices related to the current session.


Underneath the comments you'll find the status of any filters, unit tests, or session merging.


Clicking Edit... or View... opens a dialog to edit or view the relevant settings.


In most cases the settings shown are identical to the relevant page of the global settings dialog.


Filter summary:


DLLs Hooked

Edit... instructionStep Hooked DDLs settings

File extension filters

Edit... instructionStep Hooked Source File Types settings

File hooks

Edit... instructionStep Source Files Filter settings

Class and function filters

Edit... instructionStep Class and Function Filter settings

File location filters

Edit... instructionStep File Locations settings

Instrumentation logging

Edit... instructionStep Instrumentation Logging settings (If logging is off)

View... instructionStep Instrumentation Log dialog  (If logging is on)


Session merging:


Session manager status

Edit... instructionStep Session Chooser dialog

Session merging status

Edit... instructionStep Auto Merge settings