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Filter and Hook options

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Class and function hooks




Points to a file specifying the class and function to be hooked for the test.


If the filename contains spaces, the filename should be quoted.


note The settings dialog Class and Function Filter tab provides options for creating a ready made class and function hook file by using the Export... button on the dialog.



-classAndFunctionFile c:\settings\testMacroClassAndMethods.pvxc

-classAndFunctionFile "c:\reg tests settings\testMacroClassAndMethods.pvxc"





Source file hooks




Points to a file specifying the source files to be hooked for the test.


If the filename contains spaces, the filename should be quoted.


note The settings dialog Hooked Source Files tab provides options for creating a ready made source file filter hook file by using the Export... button on the dialog.



-sourceFileFilterHookFile c:\settings\testMacroFiles.pvxft

-sourceFileFilterHookFile "c:\reg tests settings\testMacroFiles.pvxft"






Win32 API hooks




Specifies the type of Win32 API data collection that you want.


None instructionStep No Win32 API hooking

All instructionStep Hook Win32 API functions in all DLLs

NonOS instructionStep Hook Win32 API functions in non operating system DLLs

NonMS instructionStep Hook Win32 API functions in non Microsoft DLLs

DebugOnly instructionStep Hook Win32 API functions only in DLLs that have debug information

DebugOnlyNonMS instructionStep Hook Win32 API functions only in non Microsoft DLLs that have debug information




 -win32API None

 -win32API All

 -win32API NonOS

 -win32API NonMS

 -win32API DebugOnly

 -win32API DebugOnlyNonMS