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Performance Validator Help


Exporting to HTML or XML


Exporting sessions allows you to use external tools to analyse or view session data for whatever reasons you might need.


You can export to HTML or XML format:


menu File menu instructionStep Export Session... instructionStep Choose an HTML or XML Report instructionStep shows the Export Session dialog below



Exporting is not saving


You can't import session data.


Use save and load if you want to save session data for loading back into Performance Validator at a later date.



The HTML and XML export session dialog


For HTML or XML export, the same dialog is used, but the call tree and call graph options are disabled for XML.





Report description


The optional description is included at the top of the exported html in the description field.


Description instructionStep enter a meaningful description or just leave blank


If no text is entered the description is omitted from the export.


Report Type


Colour Coded Report instructionStep generate a colour coded report


Only HTML reports can be colour coded:
Colours used will be those set for use in the various displays.




Report style


The report can take the form of a table of statistics or a hierarchical call tree or graph:


Statistics report instructionStep exports tabulated data with all the checked items below, similar to the Statistics tab view


The exported report can be generated on a per source-file basis, or as a concatenated set of performance data - see the File section below.


Hotspot call tree instructionStep exports hierarchical data similar to the Call Tree tab view


Hotspot call graph instructionStep exports hierarchical data similar to the Call Graph tab view



Options when exporting trees and graphs


Exported HTML trees and graphs are interactive in that items can be expanded and collapsed and are colour coded according to the current colour scheme.


You may not want to export functions that are below a certain threshold contribution to the total time


Filter threshold instructionStep enter a threshold percentage value between 0.00 and 1.00


 Any functions below the threshold will not be exported.


Trees and graphs can produce colour coded reports and may have recursive nodes:


Colour coded report instructionStep produce a coloured or monochrome export

The colours used are the same as in the various displays in C++ Performance Validator.


Indicate recursive instructionStep mark recursive nodes in the report with [R]


When exporting as a call graph the items can also indicate linked nodes:


Indicate Other Node instructionStep mark nodes found elsewhere in the graph with =>



Statistics report content


When exporting a statistics report, all the ticked items on the dialog will be included.


Function details (names and locations)


Number of children instructionStep number of child functions

Address instructionStep function address

Class instructionStep class name

Method / Function name instructionStep method name (or function name if no class

Filename instructionStep filename containing the function

Module name instructionStep name of the module containing the function


Statistics (counts and timings)


Call count instructionStep number of times the function is called

Call count% instructionStep as a percentage of all function calls made

Function time instructionStep the time a function takes to execute

Function time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime

Total time instructionStep the time a function and its child functions take to execute

Total time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime

Average time instructionStep average time a function takes to execute

Average time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime

Child time instructionStep the time a function's child functions take to execute

Child time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime

Shortest time instructionStep the shortest time a function and its child functions take to execute

Shortest time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime

Longest time instructionStep the longest time a function and its child functions take to execute

Longest time % instructionStep as a percentage of runtime



File section


Output instructionStep Choose whether to export everything to a single file, or one output per source file


For multi-file reports an additional index.html or index.xml file is also created.

This only applies to the statistics report, not the call tree  or graph output.


Overwrite existing file instructionStep check if you don't want to be warned about overwrites when exporting as a single file


File/Directory instructionStep type the export location or Browse to a location


Enter the filename for single file export, or the directory path for multi-file export.


Format instructionStep set whether exporting HTML or XML


This defaults to the original menu option selected, but is included here to more easily export one format and then the other.


note If you need to customise your HTML, we recommend first exporting a detailed XML report and using that to generate an HTML report styled as required.


Encoding instructionStep set whether UTF-16 LE, UTF-8 or ASCII encoding. By default the exported file is saved in the Windows Unicode format UTF-16 little endian. You can also save in UTF-8 and ASCII. ASCII has no byte order mark at the start of the file.



Ready to export?


OK (at top right) instructionStep start exporting the session data


Once the export is complete, a confirmation dialog will be displayed.




The links in the dialog provide direct access to either the export directory in Windows Explorer, or to open the exported file itself using the default application for xml or html files.


If you produced a multi-file export then the browser link will be for the index file, as above.