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Navigation: The User Interface > Starting your target program

Launching the program (native and .Net)

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Launching the application


Having Coverage Validator launch your program is the most common way to start up


When you're ready to start running a target program:


menu File menu instructionStep Start Application... instructionStep Shows the launch program wizard or dialog below


Or click on the launch icon on the session toolbar.




Or use the shortcut:


b_f4  Start application


seeAlsoYou can easily re-launch the most recently run program.



User interface mode


There are two interface modes used while starting a program


Wizard mode guides you through the tasks in a linear fashion

Dialog mode has all options contained in a single dialog

All the options are the same - just in different places.


In this section we'll cover the Wizard mode first and the Dialog mode later.



The start application wizard


On first use, the wizard appears with fields cleared, but here's an example with a few fields set:





Enter the details for your program, or if you want to run a previous program select it from the application list to repopulate the details.


After entering the details click Next >> for the next page of the wizard.



Administrator privileges when launching your program


The following applies only if you did not start Coverage Validator in administrator mode.


Anywhere you see the admin-priv-icon icon indicates that administrator privileges will be required to proceed.


If you started Coverage Validator in administrator mode, you won't see any of these warnings, and everything will behave as normal.



Page 1: Entering details


Application instructionStep type or Browse to set the program name to launch

You can also choose a batch file and the first executable started in the batch file will be launched.


Application to monitor instructionStep choose the application that actually gets monitored

This will typically just be the program that you set to start - unless otherwise specified.


Alternatively you can monitor another application which will get launched by the start program.


If the start application has already been added to the Applications to Monitor settings with a default application then that default will be entered here automatically.


Otherwise, if nothing has been set up yet, you can do it from here:


Edit... instructionStep set the child applications that can be monitored for the start program


This uses the Applications to Monitor dialog - which is exactly equivalent to using the Applications to Monitor settings page.


A fallback option is to start monitoring <<Any application that is launched>>.


note If in doubt, just use the same as the start application.


seeAlsoSee also: Application to Monitor settings


Launch Count instructionStep when monitoring a child application, set its nth invocation as the one to monitor


If the application to start is the same as the application to monitor then this is set to 1 and cannot be changed.


This will be reset to 1 every time the Application to Monitor field selection changes.


note If in doubt, leave it set to 1.


seeAlsoSee also: Launch Count.


Command Line Arguments instructionStep enter program arguments exactly as passed to the target program


Startup Directory instructionStep enter or click Dir... to set the directory for the program to start in  

When setting your target program, this will default to the location of the executable


Environment Variables instructionStep click Edit... to set any additional environment variables before your program starts  

These are managed in the Environment Variables Dialog.


File to supply to stdin instructionStep optionally enter or Browse to set a file to be read and piped to the standard input of the application


File to supply to stdout instructionStep optionally enter or Browse to set a file to be written with data piped from the standard output of the application


Page 1: Using details from a previous run


The list at the bottom of the wizard shows previously run programs.


Selecting an item in the list populates all the details above as used on the last run for that program.


You can still edit those details before starting.


Full path instructionStep shows the full path to the executable in the list

Image Name instructionStep shows the short program name without path


Delete instructionStep removes a selected program from the list


Reset instructionStep clears all details in the wizard - including the list of previously run applications below



Page 2: Data collection and redirection


Type of data collection instructionStep Are you only interested in Native data, .Net data or both Native data and .Net data?


Native Only instructionStep Ignore all .Net data in the target application.


.Net Only instructionStep Ignore all Native data in the target application.


Mixed Mode instructionStep Collect both Native and .Net data from the target application


This setting cannot be changed after the application is launched


Collect data from application instructionStep If it's the startup procedure you want to validate, obviously start collecting data from launch.


Depending on your application, and what you want to validate, you may want to start collecting data immediately, or do it later.


If your program has a complex start-up procedure, initialising lots of data, it may be much faster not to collect data until the program has launched.


seeAlsoSee the section on controlling data collection for how to turn collection on and off after launch.


seeAlsoThe data collection option may be disabled because of the instrumentation mode that is selected.


Redirect standard output instructionStep Controls redirection of stdout and stderr


Use this option if you want to collect the output of stdout and stderr for later analysis.


Be aware that if the output of the program under test generates a lot of data via stdout or stderr that this data will need to be stored in memory and could exhaust Coverage Validator's memory.


Display command prompt instructionStep Shows or hides the launched application.


If you are collecting stdout and stderr you may not be interested in viewing the application (or the command prompt if it is a console application). This provides you the option to hide the application when it is running.


Be aware that if you hide a command prompt you will not be able to type anything into the application.





Page 3: Summary and starting your program


The last page is just a summary of the options you have chosen.


note Something missing? The choice of launch method is no longer necessary and has been removed.


If you're happy with the settings, go ahead:


Start Application... instructionStep start your program and attach Coverage Validator to it


Cmd Line... instructionStep display the command line builder




Administrator privileges in wizard mode


If administrator privileges are required you'll be reminded of the need to restart here:




Start Application... instructionStep shows the Administrator Privileges Required confirmation dialog before restarting.





Dialog mode


In Dialog mode, all the settings are in one dialog which looks very much like the first page of the launch wizard above.


The option to start collecting data is at the top.


Launch instructionStep start your program and attach Coverage Validator to it


Cmd Line... instructionStep display the command line builder


Double clicking a program in the list will also start it immediately.




Administrator privileges in dialog mode



If administrator privileges are required, the Launch button will show the privileges icon reminding you of the need to restart.




Launch instructionStep shows the Administrator Privileges Required confirmation dialog before restarting.




If you started Coverage Validator in administrator mode, you won't see any of these warnings, and everything will behave as normal.



How do I use Application to Monitor and Launch Count?


The three fields Application to Start, Application to Monitor and Launch Count work together to control which application actually gets monitored by Coverage Validator.


Let's say we have a program P.


In the simplest case, simply:


start P

monitor P

the Launch Count defaults to 1 and cannot be changed.



If P launches an application and you just want to monitor whatever that is:


start P

monitor <<Any application that is launched>>

leave the Launch Count at 1



If P launches an application A and maybe others as well, and you specifically want to monitor only A as it's launched:


use the Application to Monitor settings to add a definition for P and child applications A

start P

monitor A

leave the Launch Count at 1



If P launches an application A many times and you specifically want to monitor the third invocation:


use the Application to Monitor settings to add a definition for P and child applications A

start P

monitor A

set the Launch Count to 3